The WRCC’s most recent interview is a 2-part series with Coach Tom Rothenberger. Rothenberger has coached XC and T&F for close to 40 years. One of the most successful HS coaches in the United States, Tom began his life as number 8 of 9 children without the means and support to go to college. From a coach’s discovery in his sophomore year at Lakeridge HS (OR), to a standout 1500 runner in his junior year, Tom’s running gained him the opportunity to go to Boise State University. At BSU, one word written on a chalkboard in an Education class changed his way of thinking about coaching. Along with state and regional success as a coach, Tom was voted National Girls XC Coach of the Year in 2006. Coach “Roth” shares his inspirations, his coaching philosophy, and his secrets to success in this 2-part interview. What was that word written on the chalkboard? Listen to this fascinating interview with Tom Rothenberger and find out–and be inspired by this extraordinary master coach!
1 minute read

Charlotte Richardson
Hi there! I'm Charlotte Richardson, the voice behind This blog is all about sharing my passions for dating advice, travel inspiration, YouTube content, and the pursuit of happiness.
As a dating coach, I aim to help women navigate the often confusing landscape of relationships. With a mix of personal stories, practical tips, and a dash of humor, I strive to empower my readers to build strong, meaningful connections. Join me on this journey as we explore the exciting facets of life together.